Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What is beauty...part 2

What are your best features? Eyes? Hair?

What are your worst? Bet it's easier to make this list. It's always easier to find what's wrong with ourselves than what's right. Not that we should be vain. But you probably have more great features than bad ones.

I was driving the other day and passed a couple of girls walking home from school. One had the thickest most gorgeous hair. I thought to myself that she was lucky to have such beautiful hair. She looked at my car as I passed and I noticed that she had a few zits on her face. I wondered if she realized that she was a beautiful young lady or if she thought she was ugly because of the blemishes on her face.

If your body is healthy, you have much to be thankful for. How about sending a thank you to your body for all the good things you have going for you? And the next time you begin to obsess about some detail you don't like, thank yourself for the good ones.